Professor of Practice, IIT Gandhinagar

Sameer Sahasrabudhe

Department : Design

Research Interests

● Visual Communication
● 3D Animation
● Educational Technology.

Professional Summary

Professor of Practice, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Aug 2022 to Present)
Director, Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMMRC), Pune


1. Iyer M, Sharma R, Sahasrabudhe S, Hirani N. Just One Hour Reduction in Online Gaming Time May Enhance Mental Health in Indian University Students: A COVID Pandemic Study. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2021;20(4):9. Available here.
2. Iyer M., Sharma R., Sahasrabudhe S., Role of Self-Compassion and Online/Offline Integration on Internet Addiction, Aggression and Psychological Well-Being: A Mediation Analysis; (Accepted) Indian Journal of Psychiatry (2022)
3. Shah, V., Murthy, S., Warriem, J. et al. Learner-centric MOOC model: a pedagogical design model towards active learner participation and higher completion rates. Education Tech Research Dev (2022).
4. Iyer M, Garg A, Lokhande G, and Sahasrabudhe S., Project OSCAR: Open-Source Animations Repository To Foster Self-Regulated Learning, Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology, (ISSN: 2306-0212), Volume 21, Number 2, June, 27-31 (2021)
5. Joseph A., Karunakaran I., and Sahasrabudhe S., Operationalizing the Learner-Centric MOOC model using Communities of Practice, Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (ISSN: 2306-0212), Volume 21, Number 2, June, 27-31 (2021)
1. Ajita Deshmukh & Sameer Sahasrabudhe, (2020), Curating a Learner Centric OER course, Workshop at The Open Education Global Conference (OE Global) 2020.
2. Natasha Gomes, Daisy Wadhwa & Sameer Sahasrabudhe (2020); Participatory Role of Moderators in Discussion Forum participation in Learner-Centric MOOCs, The 9th International Workshop on ICT Trends in Emerging Economies (WICTTEE 2020), 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Japan.
3. Ajita Deshmukh & Sameer Sahasrabudhe (2020), Curating an OER course by applying the Learner-Centric MOOC model, The 9th International Workshop on ICT Trends in Emerging Economies (WICTTEE 2020), 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Japan.
4. Rwitajit Majumdar, Geetha Bakilapadavu, Ramkumar Rajendran, Sameer Sahasrabudhe, Brendan Flanagan, Alice Meirong Chen, & Hiroaki Ogata, Learning Analytics for Humanities and Design Education, The 7th ICCE workshop on Learning Analytics (LA) Technologies & Practices for Evidence based Education, 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Japan.
5. Murthy S, Jayakrishnan M, Sahasrabudhe S, and Iyer S. (2018), LCM: A model for planning, designing and conducting Learner-Centric MOOCs, Technology for Education (T4E) Conference, Chennai, India IEEE
Complete List of Publications