Prof. Satya S. Bulusu
Department : Chemistry
Research Interests
Developing machine learning methods(Artificial neural networks) for chemical problems.
Modelling of atomic enviroments
Developing sampling algorithms
Using hardware technologies to parallelize our programs that will help to extend the above methods to experimentally relevant sizes.
Shweta Jindal, Satya S Bulusu,”A transferable artificial neural network model for atomic forces in nanoparticles”, J. Chem. Phys. 149 (19), 194101 (2018)
Shweta Jindal, Satya S Bulusu,”An algorithm to use higher order invariants for modelling potential energy surface of nanoclusters”,Chem. Phys. Lett. 693, 152-158 (2018)
Siva Chiriki, Shweta Jindal, Priya Singh, Satya S Bulusu,”Spherical harmonics based descriptor for neural network potentials: Structure and dynamics of Au147 nanocluster”, J. Chem. Phys. 149 (7), 074307 (2018)