Assistant Professor, IIT Gandhinagar

Pankaj Khanna

Department : Earth Sciences

Research Interests

● Modern and fossil carbonates
● Reservoir architecture
● Quaternary sea-level fluctuations
● Sequence stratigraphy
● Geoscience and Drones
● Geothermal energy

Professional Summary

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Dec 2021 to present)
Postdoctoral Fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia (Mar 2018 – Nov 2021)


1. Khanna, P., Petrovic, A., Ramdani, A., Homewood, P., Mettraux, M., Vahrenkamp, V. (2021) Mid-Holocene to present circum-Arabian sea-level database: Investigating future coastal ocean inundation risk along the Arabian plate shorelines.
Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 261, 2021, 106959.
2. Khanna, P., Pyrcz, M., Droxler, A., Hopson, H., Harris, P. M (Mitch), and Lehrmann, D.J. (2020) Implications for controls on Upper Cambrian microbial build-ups across multiple-scales, Mason County, Central Texas, USA. Marine and Petroleum Geology. Volume 121, 104590
3. Khanna, P., Hopson, H., Droxler, A., Droxler, D., Lehrmann, D., Kubik, B., Proctor, J., Singh, P., and Harris, P.M. (2019) Late Cambrian microbial build-ups, Llano Area, Central Texas : A three-phase morphological evolution. Sedimentology.
4. Rovere, A., Khanna, P., Bianchi, C, N., Droxler, A, W., Morri, C., Naar, D.F. (2018) Submerged reef terraces in the Maldivian Archipelago (Indian Ocean) Geomorphology 317, p 218-232.
5. Khanna, P., Droxler, A.W., Nittrouer, J., Tunnell, W., and Shirley, T. (2017) Coralgal reef morphologies records punctuated sea level rise during last deglaciation. Nature Communications. |DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00966-x
Complete List of Publications