Assistant Professor, IIT Bhubaneshwar

Dr. Santhoshkumar G

Department : Infrastructure


1Manna, D., G. Santhoshkumar, and Ghosh, P. (2023) “Ultimate load-bearing capacity of rigid two-way pavements placed on geosynthetic-supported soil embankment”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (SAGE), (DOI:10.1177/03611981231193408)
2Nandi, S., G. Santhoshkumar, and Ghosh, P. (2022) “Assessment of seismic stability of finite slope in c-phi soils – a plasticity
approach”, Geomechanics and Engineering (Techno Press), Vol. 31, No. 5, 439-452.
3G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. (2021) “Plasticity-based estimation of active earth pressure exerted by layered cohesionless backfill”, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), Vol. 21, No. 11, 06021028.
4Manna, D., G. Santhoshkumar, and Ghosh, P. (2021). “Upper-bound limit load of rigid pavements resting on reinforced soil embankments – kinematic approach”, Transportation Geotechnics (Elsevier), Vol. 30, 100611.
5Nandi, S., G. Santhoshkumar, and Ghosh, P. (2021). “Development of limiting soil slope profile under seismic condition using slip line theory”, Acta Geotechnica (Springer), Vol. 16, No. 11, 3517-3531.
6G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. (2021) “Passive resistance of retaining walls supporting layered cohesionless backfill – a plasticity approach”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), Vol. 147, No. 8, 06021008.
7G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. (2021) “Closed-form solution for seismic earth pressure on bilinear retaining wall using method of characteristics”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering (Taylor & Francis), Vol. 25, No. 6, pp 1171-1190.
8Nandi, S., G. Santhoshkumar, and Ghosh, P. (2021). “Determination of critical slope face in c-phi soil under seismic condition using method of stress characteristics”, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), Vol. 21, No. 4, 04021031.
9G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. (2020) “Seismic stability analysis of a hunchbacked retaining wall under passive state using method of stress characteristics”, Acta Geotechnica (Springer). Vol. 15, No. 6, pp 2969-2982.
10G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. (2020) “Seismic stability of a broken-back retaining wall using adaptive collapse mechanism”, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), Vol. 20, No. 9, 04020154.
11G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. (2020) “Ultimate bearing capacity of skirted foundation on cohesionless soil using slip line theory”, Computers and Geotechnics (Elsevier), Vol. 123, 103573.
12Srinivasan, V., Ghosh, P. and Santhoshkumar, G. (2020). “Experimental and numerical analysis of interacting circular plate anchors embedded in homogeneous and layered cohesionless soil”, International Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer), Vol. 18, No. 2, pp 231-244.
13G. Santhoshkumar, Ghosh, P. and Murakami, A. (2019) “Seismic active resistance of a tilted cantilever retaining wall considering adaptive failure mechanism”, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), Vol. 19, No. 8, 04019086.
14G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. (2018) “Seismic passive earth pressure on an inclined cantilever retaining wall using method of stress characteristics – a new approach”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Elsevier), Vol. 107, pp 77-82.
15Ghosh, P. and Santhoshkumar, G. (2016) “Vertical uplift capacity of two nearby horizontal strip anchors using method of stress characteristics”, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), Vol. 16, No. 1, 04015015.
1G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. “Seismic passive resistance of cantilever retaining wall with an efficient adaptive failure mechanism”, 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (16th ARC), October 14-18, 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
1Surapreddi, S., Santhoshkumar, G. and Ghosh, P. “Analysis and design of foundation system for the horizontal solar axis tracker”. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2021), December 16-18, 2021, NIT Tiruchirappalli, Tiruchirappalli, India
2Manna, D., G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. “Ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing on reinforced embankment using upper bound limit analysis”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, December 17-19, 2020, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
3G. Santhoshkumar and Ghosh, P. “Vertical pullout capacity of two interfering ground anchors in cohesionless soil medium”, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, December 13-15, 2012, IIT Delhi, pp.704-707.
Surapreddi, S., Santhoshkumar, G., Ghosh, P. (2023). Analysis and Design of Foundation System for the Horizontal Solar Axis Tracker. In Foundation and Forensic Geotechnical Engineering. Muthukkumaran, K., Reddy, C.N.V.S., Joseph, A., Senthamilkumar, S. (eds), Springer, Vol 295. (ISBN 978-981-19-6359-9)
Manna, D., Santhoshkumar, G. and Ghosh, P. (2022) “Ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing on reinforced embankment using upper bound limit analysis”. In Ground Characterization and Foundations. C. N. V. Satyanarayana Reddy, K. Muthukkumaran, Neelima Satyam, Ravikiran Vaidya. (eds), Springer, Vol 167, pp: 543-551, (ISBN 978-981-16-3382-9)