Assistant Professor, IIT Bhubaneshwar

Dr. Biplab Paul

Department : Basic Sciences


1Balesh Kumar and Biplab Paul, Additive twists of L^2-norm of Fourier-Jacobi coefficients of Siegel cusp forms; J. Number Theory 251 (2023), 70 — 83.
2Biplab Paul and Abhishek Saha, On Fourier coefficients and Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel cusp forms of degree 2, To appear in IMRN (2022)
3Biplab Paul, On values of logarithmic derivative of L-function attached to modular form, Int. J. Number Theory 19 (2023), no. 03, 531–552.
4Sanoli Gun, V. Kumar Murty and Biplab Paul, Distinguishing newforms by their Hecke eigenvalues, Research in Number Theory 7 (2021), Paper No. 49, 24pp.
5Balesh Kumar and Biplab Paul, Ramanujan–Petersson conjecture for Fourier–Jacobi coefficients of Siegel cusp forms, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 53 (2021), no. 1, 274–284.
6Sanoli Gun, Winfried Kohnen and Biplab Paul, Arithmetic behaviour of Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel cusp forms of degree two, Ramanujan J. 54 (2021), no. 1, 43–62.
7Balesh Kumar and Biplab Paul, On the Petersson inner products of Fourier–Jacobi coefficients and Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel cusp forms, Acta Arith. 197 (2021), no. 1, 21–35.
8Biplab Paul and Ayyadurai Sankaranarayanan, On the error term and zeros of the Dedekind zeta function, J. Number Theory 215 (2020), 98–119.
9Sanoli Gun, Balesh Kumar and Biplab Paul, The first simultaneous sign change and non-vanishing of Hecke eigenvalues of newforms, J. Number Theory 200 (2019), 161–184.
10Sanoli Gun, Biplab Paul and Jyoti Sengupta, On Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel modular forms in the Maass space, Forum Math. 30 (2018), no. 3, 775–783.
1Biplab Paul, Simultaneous sign changes of Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight newforms; In: Topics in Number Theory, 51–60. Ramanujan Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Ser., 26, Ramanujan Math. Soc., Mysore, 2020.
2Biplab Paul, Growth of Petersson inner products of Fourier–Jacobi coefficients of Siegel cusp forms; RIMS Kokyuroku No. 2197, RIMS, Kyoto University, Proceedings for the conference “Analytic, geometric and p-adic aspects of automorphic forms and L-functions”, January 2020.
3Biplab Paul, On Values of logarithmic derivatives of L-functions; RIMS Kokyuroku No. 2196, RIMS, Kyoto University, Proceedings for the conference “Problems and Prospects in Analytic Number Theory”, November 2020.