Dr. Amrit B. Sahu
Department : Mechanical Sciences
1Fang R., Saggese C., Wagnon S.W., Sahu A.B., Curran H.J., Pitz W.J., Sung C.J., Effect of nitric oxide and exhaust gases on gasoline surrogate autoignition: iso-octane experiments and modeling, Combustion and Flame, 111807 (2022).
2Mohammed A.A.E.S.*, Sahu A.B., Panigrahy S., Baigmohammadi M., Bourque G., Curran H.*, The effect of the addition of nitrogen oxides on the oxidation of propane: An experimental and modeling study, Combustion and Flame, 112306 (2022).
3Sahu A.B.*, Mohamed A.A.E.S., Panigrahy S., Patel V., Saggesse C., Bourque G., Pitz W.J., Curran H.J., Experimental and kinetic studies of NOx sensitization on methane autoignition and oxidation, Combustion and Flame, 111746 (2021).
4Nagaraja S., Sahu A.B.*, Panigrahy S., Curran H.J., A fundamental study on the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 233 (2021).
5Wu Y., Panigrahy S., Sahu A.B., Bariki C., Beeckmann J., Liang J., Mohamed A.A.E.S., Dong S., Tang C., Pitsch H., Huang Z., Curran H.J., Understanding the antagonistic effect of methanol as a component in surrogate fuel models: A case study of methanol/nheptane mixtures, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 226, 229–242 (2021).
6Sahu A.B.*, Markendaya S., Badhuk P., Ravikrishna R.V., Experiments and kinetic modeling of diffusion flame extinction of 2-methylfuran, 2,5-dimethylfuran and binary mixtures with isooctane, Energy and Fuels, Vol. 34, 2293–2303 (2020).
7Mohammed A.A.E.S.*, Panigrahy S., Sahu A.B., Bourque G., Curran H.*, Anexperimental and kinetic modeling study of the auto-ignition of natural gas blends containing C1–C7 alkanes, Proc. Combust. Inst. Vol. 38 (2020).
8Sahu A., Wang C.*, Jiang C., Xu H., Ma X., Xu. C., Bao C., Effect of CO2 and N2 dilution on laminar premixed MTHF/air flames: Experimental and kinetic studies, Fuel, Vol. 255, 115659 (2019).
9Bao X., Sahu A., Jiang Y., Badawy T., Xu H.*, Flame kernel evolution and shock wave propagation with laser ignition in ethanol-air mixtures, Applied Energy Vol. 233, 86–98 (2019)
10Sahu A.B.*, Krishna S. and Ravikrishna R.V., Quantitative OH PLIF measurements and numerical investigation of H2/CO kinetics in syngas-air counterflow diffusion flames, Fuel, Vol. 193, 119–133 (2017).
11Sahu A.B.* and Ravikrishna R. V., Quantitative LIF measurements and kinetics assessment of NO formation pathways in H2/CO syngas-air counterflow diffusion flames, Combustion and Flame, Vol 173,208–228 (2016).
12Sahu A.B.* and Ravikrishna R.V., Effect of H2/CO composition on extinction strain rates of counterflow syngas flames, Energy and Fuels, Vol 29, 4586–4596 (2015)
13Sahu A.B.* and Ravikrishna R. V., A detailed numerical study of NOx kinetics in low calorific value H2/CO syngas flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol 39, 17358–17370 (2014)
1Mohamed A.A.E.S., Sahu A.B., Panigrahy S., Bourque G., Curran H., The Ignition of C1–C7 Natural Gas Blends and the Effect of Hydrogen Addition in the Low and High Temperature Regimes, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 13th-17th June, 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
2Mohamed A.A.E.S., Sahu A.B., Panigrahy S., Bourque G., Curran H., Ignition Delay Time Correlation of C1 – C5 Natural Gas Blends for Intermediate and High Temperature Regime, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 3A: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions. Virtual, Online.
3Sahu A.B., Mohamed A.A.E.S., Panigrahy S., Bourque G., Curran H., Ignition studies of C1–C7 Natural gas Blends at gas-turbine relevant conditions, ASME 2020:TurboExpo, 2020, London UK.
4Sahu A.B., Markendaya S., and Ravikrishna R.V., Extinction studies of furanic fuels using a counterflow diffusion flame, 9th COMODIA, 24th-28th July, 2017, Okayama, Japan
5 Pramanik S., Sahu A.B. and Ravikrishna R.V., Numerical Study of rich catalytic combustion if syngas in a Pt-coated channel, Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, 20nd-24th July, 2015, Beijing, China.
6Sahu A.B. and Ravikrishna R.V., Extinction properties of counterflow syngas diffusion flames, Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion, 20nd-24th July, 2015, Beijing, China.
7Sahu A.B., and Ravikrishna R. V., Effect of pressure on NO kinetics in syngas combustion, 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 14th-17th July, 2013, San Jose, California, USA.