Associate Professor, IIT Gandhinagar

Atul Abhay Dixit

Department : Mathematics

Research Interests

● Analytic number theory
● Special functions
● Theory of partitions, modular forms and q-series

Professional Summary

Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Jun 2021 to present)
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (Aug 2015 – Jun 2021)
Post Doctoral Fellow, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA,USA (Aug 2012 to July 2015)


1. Koshliakov zeta functions I: Modular relations (with Rajat Gupta), Advances in Mathematics, 393 (2021), Paper No. 108093, (41 pages).
2. Generalizations of the Andrews-Yee identities associated with the mock theta functions omega(q) and nu(q) (with Bruce C. Berndt and Rajat Gupta), Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2021).
3. Superimposing theta structure on a generalized modular relation (with Rahul Kumar), Research in the Mathematical Sciences 8, 41 (2021) (83 pages)
4. Two general series identities involving modified Bessel functions and a class of arithmetical functions (with B. C. Berndt, R. Gupta and A. Zaharescu), to appear in Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
5. Generalized Lambert series, Raabe’s cosine transform and a generalization of Ramanujan’s formula for ζ(2m+1) (with Rajat Gupta, Rahul Kumar and Bibekananda Maji), Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 239 (2020), 232-293.
6. Untrodden pathways in the theory of the restricted partition function p(n,N) (with Pramod Eyyunni, Bibekananda Maji and Garima Sood), Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 180 (2021), 105423. (49 pages).
Complete List of Publications