Associate Professor, IIT Gandhinagar

Abhay Raj Singh Gautam

Department :  Materials Engineering

Research Interests

● Interface structure and dynamics

Professional Summary

Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Sep 2023 to present)
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (Oct 2014 to Sep 2023)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, (Apr 2009 – Sep 2014)


1. Gautam A, Howe JM (2013) “A Method to Predict the Orientation Relationship, Interface Planes and Morphology Between a Crystalline Precipitate and Matrix: Part II – Application” Philosophical Magazine, 93 (25) 3472-3490.
2. Gautam A, Ophus C, Lançon F, Radmilovic V and Dahmen U (2013) “Atomic Structure Characterization of an Incommensurate Grain Boundary” Acta Materialia, 61(13) 5078-5086.
3. Gibb AL, Alem N, Chen J-H , Erickson KJ, Ciston J, Gautam A, Linck M, and Zettl A (2013) “Atomic Resolution Imaging of Grain Boundary Defects in Monolayer Chemical Vapor Deposition Hexagonal Boron Nitride” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135(18) 6758-6761.
4. Radmilovic V, Ophus C, Marquis EA, Rossell MD, Tolley A, Gautam A, Asta M and Dahmen U (2011) “Highly monodisperse core-shell particles created by solid-state reactions” Nature Materials, 10(9) 710-715.
5. Gautam A, Howe JM (2011) “A Method to Predict the Orientation Relationship, Interface Planes and Morphology Between a Crystalline Precipitate and Matrix: Part I – Approach” Philosophical Magazine, 91(24) 3203-3227.