Associate Professor, IIT Bhubaneshwar

Dr. Kiranmayi Landu

Department : Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences


1Asutosh, A., Vinoj, V., Wang, H., Landu, K., & Yoon, J. H. (2022). Response of Indian summer monsoon rainfall to remote carbonaceous aerosols at short time scales: Teleconnections and feedbacks. Environmental Research, 214, 113898.
2Nandini, G., Vinoj, V., Sethi, S. S., Nayak, H. P., Landu, K., Swain, D., & Mohanty, U. C. (2022). A modelling study on quantifying the impact of urbanization and regional effects on the wintertime surface temperature over a rapidly-growing tropical city. Computational Urban Science, 2(1), 1-11.
3BS Keshav, K Landu (2022) Seasonality in long-term trends of tropical intraseasonal wave activity. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 134 (1), 1-13
4MR Mohanty, M Pradhan, RKS Maurya, SA Rao, UC Mohanty, K Landu (2021) Evaluation of state-of-the-art GCMs in simulating Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 133 (4), 1429-1445
5TS Sarin, V Vinoj, D Swain, K Landu, E Suhas (2021) Aerosol Induced Changes in Sea Surface Temperature Over the Bay of Bengal Due to COVID-19 Lockdown; Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:648566. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.648566
6Tukaram Zore, Partha Gogoi, Vinoj V and K. Landu (2020) Effect of Tropical Subseasonal Variability on Heat Waves over India. Int. J. of Clim. (41(S1), E2258-E2268)
7Keshav Bhibuti and K. Landu, (2020) Role of sea surface temperature on equatorial waves and intraseasonal oscillations. Theor. Appl. Clim. 140 (3), 993-1004
8K. Landu, Rishav Goyal and Bibhuti Keshav, (2019) Role of multiple equatorial waves on cyclogenesis over Bay of Bengal Clim. Dyn. (
9A. K. Subudhi and Landu, K, (2019), Effect of Equatorial waves and MJO on modulating extreme precipitation over India. Int. J. of Clim. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5987
10Pandey, S. K., Vinoj, V., Landu, K., & Babu, S. S., (2017). Declining pre-monsoon dust loading over South Asia: Signature of a changing regional climate. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 16062
11Taraphdar, S., Mukhopadhyay, P., Leung, L. R., & Landu, K., (2016). Prediction skill of tropical synoptic scale transients from ECMWF and NCEP Ensemble Prediction Systems. Mathematics of Climate and Weather Forecasting, 2(1).
12Samson Hagos, Zhe Feng, Kiranmayi. L and Charles N. Long, Advection, moistening, and shallow-to-deep convection transitions during the initiation and propagation of Madden-Julian Oscillation, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, DOI: 10.1002/2014MS000335,
13V. Vinoj, P. J. Rasch, Hailong Wang, Jin-Ho Yoon, Kiranmayi. L, B. Singh and Po-Lun Ma (2014), Short-term modulation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall by West Asian dust. Nature Geoscience, 7, 308-313, doi:10.1038/ngeo2107).
14Kiranmayi L, Ruby Leung, et al. (2014) Dependence of ITCZ structure on model resolution and dynamical core in aqua-planet simulations. J. Climate. Doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00269.1.
15Kiranmayi L and Eric D Maloney, (2011) Intraseasonal Moist static energy budget in reanalysis data, J. Geophys. Res. Vol. 116, D21117, 12 PP. doi: 10.1029/2011JD016031.
16Kiranmayi L and Eric D Maloney (2010), Understanding intraseasonal variability in an aquaplanet GCM, Journal of Meteo. Soc. of Japan. DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2011-302.
17Kiranmayi. L and Bhat G S. (2008) Quasi-periodic, Global Oscillations in Sea Level Pressure on Intraseasonal Timescales, Climate Dynamics, 31, DOI 10.1007/s00382-008-0413-7.
1Kiranmayi. L and Bhat G S. (2009) Equatorial modes observed in atmospheric variables, J. Earth Sys. Sci., 118, 181-192.
2Ramkumar, K. Muralimohan, L. Kiranmayi and Y. B. Srinivasa (2006) Discrete generation cycles in the tropical moth “Opisina arenosella”, Current Science, Vol 91, No 6, 811-816. (Interdisciplinary study with colleagues at Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Bangalore)
1K Landu and Rishav Goyal. Role of convectively coupled equatorial waves and MJO on cyclogenesis over Bay of Benngal, Asia Oceania Geoscience Annual meeting, Singapore, August 2017.
2Kiranmayi L et al. Factors influencing the simulated ITCZ structure in varying model resolutions and dynamical cores. Gordon Research Conference, New London, USA, July 2013.
3Feng Z, SM Hagos, Kiranmayi Landu, CN Long, and C Zhang. Role of detrained moisture from ITCZ in initiating deep convection in Madden-Julian Oscillation. Gordon Research Conference, New London, USA, July 2013.
4Hagos SM, Z Feng, Kiranmayi Landu, and CN Long. Two-day waves and the stretched lifecycle of convection during DYNAMO: Observations and high resolution Hindcast Simulation. GASS/MJO Meeting, Singapore, Singapore on June 4, 2013.
5Hagos SM, Z Feng, Kiranmayi Landu, CN Long, and KS Lim. Application of radar observations to the evaluation and improvement of cloud permitting Limited Area Model simulations. MJO Data and Analysis Workshop, Kohalo Coast, HI on March 17, 2013.
6Eric D Maloney and Kiranmayi Landu, MJO Initiation in an Aquaplanet GCM: Is It Relevant to DYNAMO?, AOGS – AGU Joint Assembly, Singapore, August 2012.
7Kiranmayi. L and Eric D Maloney, Intraseasonal variability sensitivity tests in an aquaplanet general circulation model, American Meteorological Society Meeting, Seattle, USA, 2011.
8Kiranmayi. L and Eric D Maloney, The moist static energy budget on intraseasonal time scales as observed in NCEP reanalysis data, Abstract No. A51H-0207 American Geophys. Union, Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2009.
9Kiranmayi. L and Bhat G S, Near global oscillations in Pressure in intraseasonal time scales, Celebrating monsoon, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, INDIA, July, 2007.
10Kiranmayi. L and Bhat G S, Wavelet analysis of TRMM data to identify seasonal changes in MJO, National Space Science Symposium (NSSS), Mahathma Gandhi University, Kottayam, INDIA, February, 2004.
11Kiranmayi. L, Scalar Concentration measurements in liquid flow using PLIF technique. Symposium on Advances in Fluid Mechanics (SAFM), Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, INDIA, July, 2001.
1K Landu, Rishav Goyal and Bibhuti Keshav, Cyclogenesis Potential of Convectively Couple Equatorial Waves over Bay of Bengal, TROPMET-2019, Visakhapatnam, December 2019
2Nilabh Shukla, Dr. kiranmayi Landu, Role of convectively coupled equatorial waves on the intensification of cyclones in Bay of Bengal, TROPMET-2019, Visakhapatnam, December 2019
3K. Landu and Anup Subudhi, Modulation of intense rainfall events over India by convectively coupled equatorial waves and MJO, National Space Science Symposium, Pune, January 2019
4Keshav Arora and K Landu, Relasionship between the intensity of intraseasonal oscillations and Indian summer monsoon onset, National Space Science Symposium, Pune, January 2019
5T. Zore and Landu, K, Effect of convectively coupled equatorial waves on daytime temperature distribution over India, Tropmet-2018, BHU, 24th to 27th October 2018
6K. Arora and Landu, K, An apparent relationship between the Interannual variability of the 10-25 & 30-60 day variation during Indian summer monsoon season, Tropmet-2018, BHU, 24th to 27th October 2018
7K. Bibhuti and Landu, K, “Role of SST on equatorial waves and intraseasonal oscillations”, INTROMET – 2017, Ahmedabad, November 2017