Dr. Punyashree Panda
Department : Humanities, Social Sciences and Management
1Panda, Punyashree and Minakshi Prasad Mishra. “The Plight of the
Marginal in Pre-Independence India: A Study of Mulk Raj Anand’s
Untouchable.†Seva Bharati Journal of English Studies Vol V.
(2009): 71-78.
2Panda, Punyashree and Minakshi Prasad Mishra. “The Punjab of
Bollywood vs the Punjab of Newspapers: Taking Stock of the
Contemporary Image of Punjab in Different Media.†Search (July
3Panda, Punyashree and Sulagna Mohanty. “The Multifarious
Aspects of Conflict in The Mistress of Spices: A Study of the
Characters in Conflict.†Alternative Discourse 1.3 (2012):1-5.
4Panda, Punyashree and Sulagna Mohanty. “Trickster Discourse: A
Postcolonial Perspective.†Humanities and Social Science Studies
(HSSS) 2.1 (2013):32-39.
5Mohanty, Sulagna and Punyashree Panda. “Body Politic in
Postcolonial Context.†Contemporary Discourse 4:2 (2013):7-9.
6Mohanty, Sulagna and Punyashree Panda. “Draupadi as a
Postcolonial Female Self: a Critical Study of The Palace of
Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.†English Forum: Journal
of the Dept. of English, G.U. (2013).
7Panda, Punyashree. “An AlterNative Perspective-Reconfiguring
Mainstream Media in Thoma King’s The Truth about Stories: A
Native Narrative.†Melus-Melow Journal, Vol 4 (2014): 107-112.
8Panda, Punyashree.“In Search of Self: the Pangs of Identity in
Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.†Spring Magazine on
English Literature, (E-ISSN: 2455-4715),2016.
9Bose, T., and P. Panda. “Pacific Seascapes of the Anthropocene:
Changing Human-Nature Relationships in Jeff Murray’s
Meltâ€. ETropic: Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, vol.
21, no. 1, Mar. 2022, pp. 326-47,
10Panda,Punyashree and Trina Bose. “Cultural Imperialism versus
Nativity in Purple Hibiscus and Americanah,†The IUP Journal of
English Studies, Vol 16, No 4, 2021.
11Panda, Punyashree. “Indigenous Humor in Thomas King’s The
Back of the Turtle: An Ecocritical Perspective.†Studies in
American Humor, vol. 6, no. 2, 2020, pp. 323–340. JSTOR,
12Panchali Bhattacharya and Punyashree Panda. “Indigeneity,
Femininity, and the Practice of Occult in Hansda Sowvendra
Shekhar’s The Mysterious Ailment of Rupi Baskey,†The IUP
Journal of English Studies, Vol XV, No 4, 2020.
13Panda, Punyashree and Panchali Bhattacharya. “Oriental
Ecofeminism: Contrasting Spiritual and Social Eco-femininity in
Mitra Phukan’s The Collector’s Wife and Manjula Padmanabhan’s
Escape,†UNITAS, Vol 92, No 2., 2019.
14Panda, Punyashree. “Memory, Empathy, and Narrative in Meena
Kandasamy’s Gypsy Goddess.†Sharmani Patricia Gabriel and
Nicholas Pagan. Literture, Memory, Hegemony: East/ West
Crossings. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
15Panda, Punyashree. “To be or Not to be Native: Residential School, Official Status and Metis Women in Maria Campbell’s Halfbreed and Beatrice Culleton’s April Raintree.” Martina Neuburger and H. Peter Dörrenbächer (Eds.). On The Trail of Rebirth: Nationalism and Identity Among the Native Americans. New York & Berlin: Peter Lang, 2014. Pp- 101-112.
16Panda, Punyashree. “Review of Alien Shores: Tales of Refugees and Asylum Seekers from Australia and the Indian Subcontinent edited by Sharon Rundle and Meenakshi Bharat.” Transnational Literature 5.2(2013).
17Panda, Punyashree and Sulagna Mohanty. “Contemporizing the Fantastic: A Postmodern Reading of Rana Dasgupta’s Tokyo Cancelled.” Nigerial Journal of the Humanities 18(September 2012):1-17.
18Panda, Punyashree and Sulagna Mohanty. “Myth and Storytelling: the New Language of Postcolonial Voices.” International Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences 2.7 (2013):31-34.
19Panda, Punyashree. Contemporary Native Fiction of the U.S. and Canada: A Postcolonial Study. Winter Park: Bäuu Press, 2011.
20Panda, Punyashree Review of H. Srikanth, Indigenous Peoples in Liberal Democratic States: A Comparative Study of Conflict and Accommodation in Canada and India. Indigenous Peoples Issues & Resources. Boulder, Colorado. (October 12, 2010)URL: [click here] .
21Panda, Punyashree. “Traditional Sources and New Techniques of
Narration: A Contrastive Study of Mythic Rituals in Maria
Campbell’s HalfBreed and Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony.†The
Indian Review of World Literature in English (January 2006): Np.
1Panda, Punyashree and Minakshi Prasad Mishra. “To Teach or not
to Teach: Culture in the ESL Classroom,†Diviner 4.2 (Feb-July
2007): 47-50.
2Panda, Punyashree. “Nowhere to Go: A Case for the Minor
Characters in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony†Diviner 5.2 (Feb-
July 2008): 239-244
3Panda, Punyashree. “The Sacred Feminine: Women as Healers in
Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony.†Search 2 (2009): 34-40. (Back
issue pub. 2010)
4Panda, Punyashree and Sulagna Mohanty. “Being a Multicultural
Female self in Different Media: A Comparative Study of the
Textual and the Cinematic Moushumi in The Namesake.â€
International Journal of Communication 23.1, Jan-Jun 2013.
5Mohanty, Sulagna and Punyashree Panda. “Fragmented Identities
in the onset of Terror: an Analysis of Two Bollywood Flicks New
York and My Name is Khan.†Humanities Circle (HC), 1:1,
6Panda, Punyashree and Panchali Bhattacharya. “Environmentalism
of the Marginalised: A Study of Two Contemporary Bollywood
Punyashree Panda 4
Movies.†Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X), Vol X, No.3,
May 2019.
7Panda, Punyashree(Ed.). The Local and the Global in Postcolonial Literature. New Delhi: AuthorsPress, 2014.
8Panda, Punyashree. “Cultural Imperialism Revisited: A Study of Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss.” Kiran Desai’s Fictional World. Ed. Vijay Sharma et al. New Delhi: Atlantic Press. 2011.
9Panda, Punyashree. “Living through Future: Shakespeare in the Management Classroom.” Reconstructing Shakespeare : Rebuilding his Plays in Contemporary Literary Environment. Ed. V. Lakshmanan, Authors Press, 2011.
10Panda, Punyashree. “The Sacred Feminine: Women as Healers in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony.” Search 2 (2009): 34-40. (Back issue pub. 2010)
1Presented a Paper titled “Rewriting of History and Culture in
Maria Campbell’s HalfBreed†in the National Seminar on
“Future Directions for The New Millennium: Canada and
India†held at Berhampur University in Dec 2001.
2Presented a Paper titled “Creation of Myth in Maria Campbell’s
HalfBreed†in the III Asia-Pacific and XIX Indian Association for
Canadian studies International Conference on Globalisation and
Consumerism “Canadian Studies in the Context of Asia Pacificâ€
held at University of Mysore, Mysore from 9-13 January 2003.