Professor, IIT Gandhinagar

Indranath Sengupta

Department : Mathematics

Research Interests

● Commutative algebra
● Algebraic geometry

Professional Summary

Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, (Jun 2021 to present)
Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, (Apr 2014 – Jun 2021)
Associate Professor, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, (Feb 2013 – Apr 2014)
Reader, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, (2010 – 2013)
Reader, RKM Vivekananda University, Howrah (2008 – 2010)
Visiting Professor, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA (Fall 2007)
BOYSCAST Post-doctoral fellow, University of Utah, USA (2003 – 2004)
Lecturer & Senior Lecturer, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (2001 – 2008)


1. (With Joydip Saha and Gaurab Tripathi) Ideals of the form $I_{1}(XY)$. Journal of Symbolic Computation 91(2019), pages 17—29;
2. (With Ranjana Mehta & Joydip Saha) Betti numbers of Bresinsky’s curves in $mathbb{A}^{4}$; to appear in Journal of Algebra and its Applications 18(8), August 2019;
3. (With Ranjana Mehta & Joydip Saha) Unboundedness of Betti numbers of curves. ACM Communications of Computer Algebra 52(3), Issue 205, September 2018.
4. (With Joydip Saha and Gaurab Tripathi) Transversal Intersection of Monomial Ideals. arXiv:1705.00488; to appear in the Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences, 2019.
5. (With Joydip Saha and Gaurab Tripathi) Primary decomposition and normality of certain Determinantal ideals. arXiv:1610.00926; to appear in the Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences, 2019.
6. (With Achintya Kumar Roy and Gaurab Tripathi) Minimal graded free resolutions for monomial curves defined by almost arithmetic sequences. Communications in Algebra 45(2), 2017, pp. 521-551.
7. (With Joydip Saha and Gaurab Tripathi) Gröbner bases for $I_{1}(XY)$. XV Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Applications, EACA 2016. Edited by Jónathan Heras & Ana Romero, Univ. Rioja, SPAIN, pp. 149 – 152 (2016). ISBN 978-84-608-9024-9;
Complete List of Publications